Why PUNK STUDIES, doing punk research in the Netherlands
In December 2020, two Dutch punk veterans participated in the internet conference of the Punk Scholars Network (PSN) Indonesia.
What they found there, lectures about scholarly research into punk, combined with live music by Indonesian punk bands, inspired them to found a Dutch affiliate of the international PSN, joining forces with the webmaster of Dutch punk information site bacteria.nl, with Dr Anita Raghunath with her experience in PSN in the UK, and then with more people.
PSN the Netherlands organised three succesful events. In December 2021, our webinar on Punk And Venues, organised jointly with the Denmark/Germany PSN affiliate. In June 2022, our conference in Amsterdam on Women In Punk In The Netherlands. In October 2022, also in Amsterdam, the first launch of the book Punks Listen, published in Ireland, with Dutch contributors of the book.
We came to the conclusion that, in order to continue with all of our team which organised these events so well, we needed to found an autonomous organisation: Punk Studies.
Aiming to stimulate studies about punk by people in the Netherlands. Organising events combining lectures about scholarly punk research with film showings and live music.
We had good experiences with international contacts. Though Punk Studies is autonomous, we want to have contacts with others all over the world doing similar work, like the branches of the worldwide Punk Scholars Network, the KISMIF conference in Porto, Portugal, and others.
Punk, when it started, described by cynical journalists as a fad which would supposedly be over after one year, now, in its 48th year, is a movement present in over 100 countries all over the world, with impact not limited to just music. With also impact in the Netherlands: that needs more study: which lags a bit behind research in, e,g. the UK or the USA.
As someone said: ‘Hey ho! Let’s go!’
Punk exhibition Melkweg Amsterdam 1989
Pin fanzine English edition #3 Suzanne Deckert, of the art gallery of Melkweg venue in Amsterdam, announced that 12 July 1989 would be the opening of their exhibition Punk shook us alive and dead. Pin fanzine from Leiden also contributed items to this exhibition, eg,...
Punk exhibitions in European museums
Europunk exhibition in Paris, France Besides exhibitions related to punk in Dutch and Belgian museums, there have also been such exhibitions in museums, galleries etc. in other European countries. Denmark Copenhagen BumZen punk fra bogotá & oslo France Neuilly sur...
Punk exhibitions in Dutch, Belgian museums
Utrecht, Centraal Museum, exhibition poster, with Ilva, singer of The Nixe Dutch museums Groningen museum had a recent exhibition about (mainly punk) graffiti. Utrecht Central museum had a punk exhibition. Eye film museum in Amsterdam had a punk exhibition. Almelo...
New Global Punk series book, review by Anita Raghunath
Global punk series new book Punk Identities, Punk Utopias: Global Punk and Media, Russ Bestley, Mike Dines, Matt Grimes and Paula Guerra (eds) (2021), Bristol: Intellect Books, 260 pp., ISBN 978-1-78938-412-3, p/bk. £29.50 Reviewed by Anita Raghunath, Vrije...
Three new books on punk, 25 January Zoom presentation
From Mike Dines of the Punk Scholars Network in England (6pm UK time is 7pm Central European time):Dear All, Thank you for signing up for the upcoming Global Punk Series book launch on Tuesday 25th January at 6pm. Q&A with editors and other presentations begin at...
Punk Scholars Network Indonesia 2021 conference recordings
Thanks to everyone who attended the PSN Indonesia conference on December 7th, 2021. We have recordings of the contributions available at the following links: William Anthony Yanko. Mapping the politics of Indonesian hip-hop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehdCqaq4Na0...