
Links to various networks, organisations and sites that also engage in punk scholarship and news:

Aerden, Y. (2008). Tussen anarchie en hysterie. De punkbeweging in België (1976 – 1981). Leuven.

International fanzine resources at International Institute for Social History in Amsterdam

Punk Is Not Dead, France

Punk Scholars Network international site

Punk Scholars Network Brasil YouTube site

Punk Scholars Network Colombia

Punk Scholars Network Iberia

Punk Scholars Network Indonesia

Punk Scholars Network Netherlands Facebook account

Punk Studies (in the Netherlands) Facebook account

Punk Studies (in the Netherlands) Twitter account

Recent papers in Punk at

Jesse Prinz, The Aesthetics of Punk Rock

Rede Punk, Latin America

Society of Australian Punk

The Subcultures Network

Twitter international news about punk from over 885 accounts