This 2015 video shows Italian punk band Call the Cops playing live.

On 18 December 2020, the Punk Scholars Network conference on the Internet, the second day on Europe, continued.

Giulio D’Errico – From Punk to Squat. The (re)birth of Social Centres in the early eighties Italy and the role of anarcho-punk. Giulio D’Errico said that punk in Italy got impulses in 1980 from a Poison Girls concert, and a Clash concert in Bologna. Crass also had influence. Later, much influence from the USA.

Then came Chrysi Aikaterini Efthymiadou – Growing Up in a Multicultural Town of Greece: Personality and Punk Culture as the Main Reasons for Rejecting Religion. It was about her home town Xanthi in Northern Greece, with a Christian majority and Muslim minority. She had interviewed eight punks from Christian families, and one male and one female punk from Muslim families. Most families did not really object to their children becoming atheists. Punk was not the cause, rather a consequence of young people becoming atheists. Punks in Xanthi listened to foreign bands like Bad Religion, but mainly to Greek punk bands.

Then, Yorgos Paschos, with his presentation DIY Venues as Real Utopias. It was about concerts, recording studios etc. in squats in Athens, Greece. The economic crisis in Greece strengthened the squatters’ and punk movements. Now, however, the coronavirus disaster means the venues cannot be open. Yorgos Paschos now works in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. To a question about how punk scenes in Greece and the Netherlands compare, he replied that he knew comparatively little about the Dutch situation. As far as Rotterdam is concerned, there is no Do It Yourself punk venue there. Punk in the Netherlands seemed to be more integrated into state structures than its Greek counterpart.