by Herman de Tollenaere | 06,01,22 | Conferences, Punk research
Today, we got this message from Luc Robene and Solveig Serre, about the 10-11 December 2021 conference in Paris of PIND/Punk Scholars Network in France: Here are PIND/PSN sound recordings on our PIND website, some in English, some in French, and also music and photos!...
by Herman de Tollenaere | 10,12,21 | Conferences, PSN affiliates
Thank you, Marie Arleth Skov. You have been such a great chair, at this, our first-ever conference. Now, my final words. The coronavirus pandemic has disastrous consequences. Millions of people dying and becoming gravely ill worldwide. Including people in or on the...
by Herman de Tollenaere | 08,12,21 | Conferences, Punk research
This video is by Myanmar punk band the Rebel Riot. This band was discussed at the Punk Scholars Network Indonesia conference day on 7 December. This is the second part of my report on that day; the first part is here. Kevin Dunn from the USA discussed Rebel Riot in...
by Herman de Tollenaere | 07,12,21 | Conferences, Punk research
PSN Indonesia 2021 conference poster After the Punk Scholars Network Netherlands day on 4 December, and the North America day on 5 December, came: Indonesia: Virtual Conference Tuesday 7th December 2021 14.20 – 14.50 Zoom Opens! Here comes the first...
by Herman de Tollenaere | 06,12,21 | Conferences, PSN affiliates
The second day of the worldwide Punk Scholars Network 2021 conference. From the USA and Canada: a virtual conference on Sunday 5th December 2021. Unfortunately, due to circumstances, I was only able to attend part of that afternoon (North American time). The...
by Herman de Tollenaere | 04,12,21 | Conferences, Punk research
Punk Scholars Network Netherlands conference organisers and speakers. Top row, left to right: Anita Raghunath, Terry, Herman de Tollenaere. Middle row: Yorgos Paschos, Mike Dines, Andrea Gálová. Lowest row: Marcel Stol, Rosa Jonker, Marie Arleth Skov. Pic by Terry On...
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