Jim Donaghey writes:

You may have already seen the exciting news that Volume 1 of The Anarchism and Punk Book Project is now out in the world! https://anarchismandpunk.noblogs.org/

(We’ll soon be in touch with the contributing authors in that volume to get your postal addresses to send out free copies.)

To celebrate the book we’ve got a couple of cool web publications out there:

We’ll also be holding two book launch events in December:

We will also be chatting about the book at 8.30am MEZ (Germany) on Radio Corax tomorrow morning (15th December): https://radiocorax.de/

We’ll have more book launch events in the New Year – if you have some ideas for events, get in touch. In the meantime, please share the news with your various networks and get the word out there!

Up the punx
