Here is a fine video of the live music of our Saturday 18 June Women in punk in the Netherlands conference. Music by Wick Bambix, Persona Non Data, Asbest Boys and Stressssysteem.

Thanks for your video, Terry!

Terry also participated in the keynote panel, representing the 1970s first wave of punk in the Netherlands. This photo shows her with panel interviewer Helen Reddington (left).

This photo shows conference participants, left to right: Sue Rynski, Detroit/Paris photographer who did a presentation, Herman de Tollenaere who presented a paper jointly with Anita Raghunath, Andrea Galova, keynote panel representative of the early 21st-century wave, Anita Raghunath, Rosa Jonker, chair of the first panel, and the 2020s wave representative in the keynote forum, Fay.